Small Groups are a great way to meet and connect with folks.  Check out these groups meeting throughout the month. 


Fellowship Groups


Scott’s Sisters

All women of the church are invited to be a part of this fellowship group. This women’s group meets several times a year. Activities include dinner at Plaza Azteca and Paint Nights.



3rd Tuesday of the month, 1 pm

Location: @ local restaurant TBD

Join us for an informal get-together to meet & fellowship with one another.  All invited for great time!


Men’s Small Group

Tuesday, once a month
Location: @ local restaurant TBD
This group meets one Tuesday a month, usually at a local brewery for a time of fellowship and prayer, contact the office for more information  


Spiritual Growth Small Groups

Accountability Groups

Smaller groups that journey through life together in fellowship while building trust and keeping confidences. We have several accountability groups that meet once a month, contact the office for more information

Sermon Series Studies

follow the current sermon topics.

Lent and Advent Studies

based on the seasons of Lent and Advent.


Financial Peace University

learn a plan to be debt free and save for the future.


YouVersion Bible Group

This group reads and studies the Bible together in an asynchronous fashion using the YouVersion Bible App. Have you ever wanted to read the whole Bible in a year? This is a great way to stick to that goal and learn from what others glean from the scriptures. 


Youth Group
Sundays, 11am at The Gathering at Scott Memorial
Once a month our youth get together after worship for a time of games, fellowship and a lesson.

Wednesdays, 6:30 pm – 8 pm

@ Virginia Beach UMC (212 19th St. Va. Beach 23451)

Join with other middle & high school teens from both The Gathering at Scott Memorial UMC & Virginia Beach UMC doing fun activities and talking about God. 

Adult, Youth, & Children’s Sunday Schools
Get more bang for your buck on Sundays!  Before worship, please join us for children, youth & adult Sunday School classes and small groups.  It’s a great time to get to know others and learn something new, too!